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 Simon Colley

HORIZON_08-LA, Archival Giclee Print on 100% Cotton Paper with Protective Coating, 54”x 36”.Colorfield vertical abstraction seascape with blue and white horizon in upper half.

Simon Colley, HORIZON_08-LA, Archival Giclee Print on 100% Cotton Paper with Protective Coating, 54”x 36”, $3,800



The truth is often colored by our point of perception.

Through the camera’s lens, I work to reveal the hidden truths of the beauty that surrounds us; a spectrum of color which resides within the rhythm of our daily lives.

In catching a subway train, passing a construction site, watching a truck pass or seeing the sidewalk from a moving vehicle, all these events have a hidden allure, a radiance. By using the camera, I can stop time and we can study them; translated into color fields, wavelengths of light, exposing new truth from the lies of the camera’s eye.

Within the spectrum of truth are lies, hidden palettes appear as the view is redefined, light rushes past and with it reality is skewed as we create other translations of a moment or event.

We perceive a duality that never was, a horizon that exists before us, merged into the foreground, attainable, no longer true in definition but beautiful in its lie.

These untouched photographs record actual everyday events on road trips across America and Europe. They explore how we can see and experience the prosaic through different eyes.